How it works

Create pieces by sending parts back-and-forth across a "border"
  1. DAW - Create the beginning of a piece in any DAW
  2. Ship - Ship your project to another creator on the other side of a "border".
  3. Add - The 2nd creator adds to the project
  4. Ship it again - The project is sent to another creator on the other side of a "border".
  5. Repeat - repeat, at least, 2 more times until the project has crossed a "border", at least, than 4 times.
  6. Distribute - When we have an hour of material, we will master and share appropriately.

Answers to Questions

Are there rules?
  1. What genre? Electronic inspired music
  2. Which DAW? Use any DAW, but be aware of how you share (Ableton is a safe choice, but not required)
  3. What is a "border"? Preferably geographic, but use your best judgement.
  4. Ship? Use whatever works. The Internet with Google Drive works for some. Thumb drives or multi-track tape are ok too.
  5. What about Stagnation? What if I ship a project and never hear back? How long should I wait? Give folks 2 weeks, then send to another creator.


We'll gather as we go
  1. To start, message here:


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